Upgrades your attic

3 Upgrades You Should Make to Your Attic

May 26, 2018

If you’re looking for ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency, your attic is a key place to start. Though this area is easily overlooked, it may provide the key to cutting your power bills and enjoying optimum heating and cooling throughout your Opelika, Alabama, home. Inspect your attic carefully and see if you need to make any of these upgrades.

Air Seal the Space

Seal major leaks in your attic space to prevent air from escaping. Plug large holes by filling a plastic bag with insulation and tucking it into the space. If your attic is finished, seal behind knee walls. Seal gaps around electrical wires and plumbing with caulk or expanding foam. Use aluminum flashing and heat-resistant caulk around the furnace flue. Seeking out even a few of these prime spots for air leakage can improve your energy efficiency notably.

Add Insulation

Adding insulation to your attic is one of the best and fastest ways to improve your energy efficiency. Some statistics indicate that as much as 85 percent of your home’s heat loss takes place through the ceiling. Minimize this quickly by laying new insulation in the attic space. Batt insulation is easy to lay between the joists. You can also lay blanket insulation over the joists. Aim for layers that total an R-value of 38.

Address Recessed Lights

Recessed lights that are accessible from the attic are often poorly sealed and insulated, allowing air to travel easily through this space. You can’t use standard insulation around the inherent heat of these light fixtures, but there are still options available to you. Install a fire-rated light cover designed for recessed lighting and seal around the edge with firestop sealant for a quick fix to this common problem.

Addressing energy loss in your attic space is an important step toward enhancing energy efficiency in your home. For help sealing and insulating this critical area, contact Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation at (334) 366-9237. Our spray foam insulation can help you save on your energy bills right away.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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