Tips for Saving on Energy and Cooling Costs

cooling costs

Taking care of your Columbus, GA, home’s heating and cooling system is essential to keeping your energy and cooling costs to a minimum. Along with regular maintenance, changing the air filter once a month will optimize energy efficiency and reduce cooling expenses. Upgrading to a programmable thermostat, fixing air leaks in the ductwork, and using proper window coverings are additional ways to save on energy and cooling costs.

Change the Air Filter

The dirtier the air filter, the less efficiently the cooling system can cool your home. Plus, a dirty filter can lead to poor indoor air quality. It’s best to change the filter once a month to ensure the system can achieve maximum airflow while cleaning the air. This is of the utmost importance if you or someone in the home suffers from allergies or asthma. A clean filter will always reduce allergens much better than a dirty filter.

Upgrade to a Programmable Thermostat

One of the easiest ways to save on energy and cooling costs is to upgrade to a programmable thermostat. This device makes it simple to keep your home cool and comfortable while you’re home and at a more moderate, energy-saving temperature while you’re away.

Use Proper Window Coverings

Up to 30% of unwanted heat inside of a home comes through the windows. You can keep much of this heat out by using proper window coverings. It’s usually best to install these coverings on the south- and west-facing windows in the home. You can also plant trees and shrubs in front of these windows to block heat from coming through them. Window coverings combined with trees and shrubs can reduce indoor temperatures by up to 20 degrees.

Fix Air Leaks in Ductwork

Air escaping through ductwork makes it extremely difficult for the AC to cool your home. As more air escapes, the AC will continue operating in full-blast mode to keep your home at your desired temperature. Until you fix air leaks in your home’s ductwork, your cooling system will continue to use unnecessary amounts of energy.

Contact Sensigreen today at 334-528-1765 to learn more about making your home a more energy-efficient home.

Image provided by Shutterstock


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