Spray Foam Insulation: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

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Energy-conscious Auburn, Alabama, homeowners undoubtedly want to reduce their household energy consumption as much as possible. Find out why spray foam insulation is one of the easiest and most effective measures you can take to lower your utility bills and make your home more eco-friendly.

How Spray Foam Insulation Works

At Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation, our experienced technicians use equipment to blow SucraSeal spray foam insulation directly onto walls, ceilings, and rafters. The insulation starts off as a liquid, but it quickly adheres to surfaces and hardens. There, this closed-cell polyurethane insulation forms a barrier between the indoors and outdoors, keeping your family cozy and comfortable in winter and summer.

Lowers Energy Costs

­­­­­­­Since we spray this insulation instead of fitting it into place, it naturally expands and settles into cavities in your home’s walls and ceilings. This complete coverage means there won’t be any uninsulated gaps around your home.

At Sensigreen, we’ve found that eliminating gaps in your home’s exterior can result in much lower demands on your HVAC system and significantly reduced energy needs. In fact, spray foam insulation could help lower your heating and cooling costs significantly.

Stays Effective Longer

Traditional fiberglass and cellulose insulation have a limited lifespan since they tend to settle and lose their ability to insulate your home. In contrast, spray foam insulation maintains its structure and its R-value, or its capacity to resist heat flow.

Resists Moisture, Mold, and Pests

Some insulation materials attract moisture, mold, and pests. Durable SucraSeal spray foam insulation resists all of these common problems while providing an effective air seal and a barrier to outdoor noise.

Ready to learn more about how spray foam insulation can benefit your family? Call Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation at (334) 366-9237 for a free inspection and analysis today.

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