Hearing a Buzz in Your AC? What This Noise Can Mean for Your System

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With the warm Southern weather still in full effect, you may find the air conditioner unit in your Opelika, Alabama, home still working hard to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. While some noises may be typical to hear from the system due to its extended use, if you hear buzzing sounds, it may be a cause for concern. Below are some of the causes behind the buzzing you hear.

Problems With the Compressor

The compressor is the part of your air conditioning unit that pressurizes and cools the refrigerant. When the compressor begins to malfunction, it can emit a buzzing sound.

A buzzing sound may also occur if you do not have the correct amount of power to your system. What you are actually hearing is the noise of the electric voltage flowing.

Damage to the Isolation Feet

There are small rubber feet called isolation feet on the base of the air conditioning unit that stabilize it. Since the feet are made of rubber, they can crack, erode, or disintegrate, which can cause the compressor to become unbalanced. This can cause the compressor to run more roughly, and a loud buzzing noise can be heard.

The Unit is Frozen

While it may seem odd that your system can freeze during the hot months, it sometimes does occur. This can occur because of refrigerant leaks or a dirty filter. When this freezing occurs, you may notice a buzzing or a humming sound from the unit.

Loose Parts in the System

Your air conditioning unit has many moving parts, which can become loose, damaged, or worn. When parts are missing, loose, or not functioning properly, they can cause a variety of noises, including minor buzzing sounds.

The Fan Motor is Not Working

Another cause of the buzzing sound you may hear could be from the fan blades that are no longer working properly because of debris. This will emit a loud buzzing sound from the outside unit.

If you notice a buzzing sound coming from your air conditioning system, no matter how minor, contact one of our repair specialists at Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation at (334) 366-9237 for an inspection.

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