4 Signs You Need Heating Repair

Heating Repair

With the colder weather in Phenix City, Alabama, your heating system is working full time, and you may notice signs that it needs repair. The last thing you want is for the heating system to break down when you need it most, leaving you shivering. If you notice any of the following signs, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Unusual Noises

Any unusual sounds coming from your heating system are a cause for concern. Different sounds indicate different problems. Some may be serious and, if not attended to, will cause severe damage. A furnace in good condition is relatively quiet, so pay attention to any strange noises.

Short Cycling Usually Means a Heating Repair

If you notice your heater going on and off for short periods of time, you have a problem. Short cycling may indicate that your heat exchanger is overheating and causing the system to shut down. The opposite is also a warning sign. If your heating system runs continually, hardly ever shutting down, your system may need maintenance service. Either way, you should definitely get a professional’s help.

Increased Electric Bills

Energy costs that are significantly higher than usual may mean that your heating system is working harder than it should be. It is normal to spend a little more in colder months, but a substantial increase in costs is an indication that something is wrong. Get your system checked before your system needs serious repair work.

You Never Seem Warm Enough

When your home seems cold no matter how much you crank up the heat, take action by sealing any drafty windows or doors. If the problem persists, repairs or a replacement is likely, so make an appointment with a technician.

Our certified team of technicians are ready to advise you on the best solution to your heating problem. Call Sensigreen Heating, Cooling & Insulation at (334) 366-9237 to schedule an appointment if there are any indications that you
need a heating repair.

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